Our products are completely handmade. It is 100% natural. It does not contain any additives. Obtained from new crops. Our products can be used up to 9 months after they are used.
What does grape vinegar do?
1) Natural Pain Relief:
Grape vinegar has an effect that relieves muscle and bone pain and instantly cuts ligament pain.
Grape vinegar, which is effective in eliminating the factors that cause pain in the body, can be consumed in salads.
By adding a few drops of grape vinegar to your drinking water at the end of very busy and active days, you can remove the headache and body pain from your body.
2) Prevents Caries, Whitens Teeth:
Grape cider vinegar, which has the task of clearing infection, destroys oral infections in a short time.
Vinegar, which builds a protective wall against unwanted problems such as cavities and mouth sores, also acts as teeth whitening.
Grape vinegar is a substance frequently consumed by those who complain of bad breath.
grape vinegar teeth whitening